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Natalia Wehler - Atelier

The extent of the disaster - mural installation

Ghost city, 2015
Three wood blocks from the series "The extent of the disaster"
each 30x25cm, Gouache, water color and ink on wood

The extent of the disaster

On March 15th is printing day. The traditional printing techniques were included in the nationwide register of intangible cultural heritage by the German Commission for UNESCO.

The aspect of the very old technology of conveying information and mapping is important in many ways in my artistic work. The printing block is very important:

Michael Stockhausen writes about his role: "It is storage and potential, it contains all potential imprints."

The wall installation for “The extent of the catastrophe” consists of a growing number of printing blocks. In some blocks figurative motifs can be recognized or landscapes can be guessed at, some appear surprisingly abstract due to the reduction to one color level.

The images refer to press photos that were published after the tsunami and nuclear power plant disaster.

The artistic technique is also oriented towards Japan, it is based on the traditional Japanese color wood print Moku Hanga.

The blocks change through the printing process and over the years. Some are richly colored, some washed out, others look freshly cut. The wood ages.

However, the following applies: every printing block can be used as a printing block at any time away from the wall.

Beyond technology, the aspect of cultural heritage is of course particularly relevant to my work in terms of content. In an age that often brings destruction and endangerment of the foundations of life to mankind, preservation and preservation is also a challenge for future generations.

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