Jülich, Ausschnitt aus Zoombild Deutschland,
woodcut with overlaying video projection,
120 x 100 cm, 2021
gefördert durch das Auf geht's-Stipendium 2021

Netzteil, 2021
Holzschnitt-Detail einer Installation (work in progress)

Installation, 2019 - ongoing
variable dimensions, here: 120 x 100 cm, 90 x 100 cm, 120 x 100 cm
Gouache, ink and water color on wood and washi, video screens
The series "Zoom Images" shows a multimedia adaptation of wooden printing blocks, prints and drawings with digital images, videos and video projections. Through multimedia, original motifs from the digital media are linked to their sources. In the topic "Germany", civil and military use of nuclear energy finds regional and "personal" expression. Motives are no longer coming from the media, but from private sources or in-house production. Beyond the world political stage, old and new motifs from Cologne and its surroundings and personal experiences can be found here.